IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Important information from wastewater companies: Dispose of toilet paper alternatives correctly – avoid backflow from sewers

Posted 01. April 2020
empty toilet paper roll with the word don't panic written on it

The corona pandemic is forcing some people to take unusual measures. When supplies of toilet paper at home are exhausted and the shelves in the supermarkets are empty, people have to become creative. Then handkerchiefs, kitchen towel, non-flushable wet wipes and baby wipes, newspapers and, as we hear, even pages from books and old t-shirts are being used. You can do that if you don’t flush these things down the…

Webinars on Corona Virus and Sewer Operation

Posted 20. March 2020
Laptop and headset for web meetings or video telephony

Corona crisis planning – this is the task currently facing all sewer network owners! In view of the current situation, the Kommunales Netzwerk Abwasser (KomNetABWASSER – Municipal Network Wastewater) and IKT have jointly decided to support all sewer network owners to the best of their ability. A hotline has been set up and the first of a series of web conferences was held where more than 60 network operators were…

How IKT is Responding to the Coronavirus

Posted 20. March 2020
yellow virus with red dots on blue background

In view of the progressive spread of the coronavirus, IKT has adopted its own preventive plan. The protection of the health and safety of our customers, employees and their families is our highest priority. For this reason – as far as the activities allow – home working has been provisionally ordered until Easter. All IKT scientists and testing staff will remain fully available to customers and partners via e-mail and…

Coronavirus in Sewers? Don’t Panic! But be Careful.

Posted 06. March 2020
two men sitting at table

The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes (COVID-19) is keeping everyone busy right now. Politicians are advising on measures, companies worry about their supply chains, and wherever cases of infection are reported, people are emptying supermarkets in fear of being confined to home for months.  Sewer network operators and service providers are also worried. They are rightly wondering whether infected people excrete the virus and whether it is…

Lining of Pressure Sewers: Evaluating One of the New Frontiers of Trenchless Technology

Posted 06. September 2019
construction pit for installation of liner for pressure sewer

Our latest IKT Compare technology evaluation is examining the performance of lining systems for the trenchless rehabilitation of pressure sewers. The aim is to support sewer network operators in the selection of suitable systems and to provide them with certainty when developing tender documents, overseeing installation, accepting the work, and monitoring quality. There is still the opportunity for sewer network owners from other countries to join a partner project to…