IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

World Sewer Operators WSO – a Global Expert Network

World Sewer Operators WSO

Founding a Global Expert Network

The sewerage research institute IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure is establishing the WSO worldwide peer to peer network, together with its collaborating sewer owners.

We invite you to join us, for the following reasons:

  • As urban areas around the world expand, provision of sewer and urban drainage infrastructure is becoming ever more critical.
  • The public, businesses and regulators are becoming more demanding.
  • There are challenges of ageing infrastructure, climate change and environmental protection to address.
  • Sewer network owners must keep on top of all of these and select from a myriad of technical developments coming their way.

To deal with these challenges, it is high time to build a worldwide peer to peer network
of sewer owners to address their needs by sharing their experiences and solutions with each other.


WSO membership is only available to network owners

What is WSO?

  • We are a strong community of city and regional public and private sewer network owners around the world
  • We support each other by sharing our experience and solutions
  • We are an independent and not for profit collaboration
  • We are open to all network owners willing to co-operate on a peer-to-peer basis

Fields of interest

  • Asset inspection, management and maintenance
  • Construction, rehabilitation and replacement
  • Operation and compliance
  • Climate change adaptation and sustainability
  • Reliability and resilience

Mutual benefits

  • We collaborate to help each other address our pressing issues by exchanging
    technical, operational and management experience and know how
  • We identify and share solutions that minimise risk, provide greater certainty
    of success and avoid us ‘re-inventing the wheel’
  • We save ourselves time, effort and money

How we work

  • Membership is only available to network owners
  • We engage peer to peer at CEO, senior management and expert level
  • Our programmes and the activities within them are member led, confidential
    as needed and free from commercial interest
  • We share knowledge and experience to address actual needs

WSO facilitation team

  • Facilitation is undertaken by the neutral, independent and not for profit
    IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure gGmbH,
  • Using experienced engineers and managers based in Germany,The Netherlands
    and the United Kingdom,
  • Who provide the catalyst and support for members to address their pressing needs,
  • Sourcing rapid answers leading to identification and implementation of approaches,
    ways of working and technology choices that provide solutions.

How to join us

  • Participation is open to sewer network owners
  • We invite anyone who wants to be a part of the network and is prepared to share
    their experiences and solutions with their peers around the world to join.


Contacts at IKT for further information:

Roland W. Waniek
Managing Director
mobile: +49 172 2827878

Dr Iain Naismith
Senior Research Fellow and International Project Manager
mobile: +44 7983 605219




IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure
neutral, independent, non-profit

T: +49 (0) 209 17806-0
E: info@ikt.de
