IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure

Project F212:
Root-proof pipe bedding systems

Posted 04. January 2014

A test system was created within the framework of Sub-Project I, “Planting of large trees with an underground test system (root trenches) in Osnabrück”, in order to investigate various bedding materials for their effects on the regeneration of tree roots. Sub-Project II is now pursuing two aims:

Project F208:
Performance analysis of combined sewage treatment plants

Posted 03. January 2014

What technologic equipment do storm-water tanks need to have when current and future requirements are taken into account? What evaluation methods are appropriate for the reliable assessment, using standardised criteria, of the performance of combined sewage treatment plants on the basis of operational data? The storm-water tanks in the German states of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia will be categorised, to enable analysis of the performance of the tanks. A survey…

Project F207:
Inspection of culverts and pressure pipes

Posted 02. January 2014

This is a two Phase project examining the inspection and condition-surveying of pressure sewer pipes and culverts. In Phase 1, the methods of use, preconditions for use and costs of available technologies for surveying the condition of pressure sewer pipes were collated. Their potential for use in pressure sewer pipes was evaluated and recommendations made. In Phase 2, the emphasis here will be on the implementation of the recommendations for…

Project F206:
Trenchless installation methods for district-heating piping systems

Posted 01. January 2014

Ever greater importance is being attached to the expansion of district-heating networks as energy development progresses. Costs can be saved and resources conserved by installing new piping systems using trenchless technologies. However, the trenchless installation of district-heating systems frequently encounters scepticism due to a lack of basic knowledge about its use. A research consortium consisting of AGFW, IKT and seven other partners, now intends to identify and eliminate existing technical…

Project F215:
Handling of water drainage from private sites

Posted 01. November 2012

This study has provided guidelines for municipalities and system operators on pragmatic solutions for handling water drainage from private sites comprising: Recommendations and examples for assessing drainage water situations Conceptual solutions and methods for the assessment and selection of suitable pragmatic provisions Tools for supporting the implementation solutions Advice on communication with stakeholders in order to achieve higher acceptance of planned provisions by both the public and politicians, and to…

Project F198:
Optimising sewer cleaning, exploiting operational synergies

Posted 01. August 2012

Cleaning is an important factor in maintaining the correct functioning of sewer system, and absorbs a significant portion of municipal budgets in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is, however, often the case that system operators’ resources are not used efficiently, or that, due to inadequate knowledge of the condition of sewer systems, lengths of sewer are cleaned without this being really necessary. The introduction of optimising sewer cleaning strategy is frequently cited…
